Governments vaccine programme commenced in Dublin Central today in the Navan Road Community Nursing unit. The priority is to vaccinate residents of long term care facilities and all staff caring for them first. The next priority is all front line health care workers, public, private and voluntary. This phase of the vaccination programme will be completed no later than the end of February 2021.
35,000 vaccines will be administered this week and from next week 40,000 vaccines will be administered every week until additional vaccine approval and supplies allow for increased vaccinations. The priority will be to safely, securely and freely vaccinate as effectively as possible based on the available vaccine supply.
In the meantime, let’s all continue to do all we can individually to suppress the virus.
- Wash our hands
- Wear a mask when appropriate
- Keep our distance
- Reduce our contacts
- Look out for each other
- Take care
- Stay Safe
Further information on priority groups is available at: