A recent report from the Central Statistics Office indicating a 69% increase in Burglaries since 2007 in the Dublin West Garda Division that includes Cabra confirms what local residents have been living with for the last few years. As Chairperson of the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committee 2009-2014 I worked with local Gardai and local residents to try and address this real threat to residents sense of personal security. As a founding member of the Cabra Community Policing Forum I work with the local Gardai and residents we try to help people live without fear in their own homes. Unfortunately all our best efforts on the ground locally are completely undermined by Fine Gael and Labour Government decisions to close Cabra Garda station at night, to close down Fitzgibbon Street Garda Station and their failure to adequately resource Gardai on the ground. The Governments failure to conduct a constructive relationship with An Garda Siochana and comprehensively address crime has resulted in a loss of confidence in the general public that the Gardai can respond to their needs. I urge residents to look out for each other, to always activate their alarm when going out and to report any suspicious activity in the area to 999. The recent decision to increase the charge on ATM transactions means people are withdrawing larger amounts of cash. This is not a good idea. It only encourages burglars and increases risk. It is not a good idea to keep large amounts of cash at home. Do not leave iPads, iPods, phones, handbags, keys etc visible through our windows or letter box. Burglars take a quick glance to see if the break in is worth their while. They might move on if they don’t see anything they can sell on quickly. The government made a big deal announcing investment in recruitment and patrol cars but the garda representative bodies are not impressed. They point out that, given natural wastage, the number of serving personnel and vehicles will actually fall. If I am elected to represent Dublin Central in the next Dáil I commit to putting more Gardaí on our streets, having tougher sanctions for criminals, having a victim focused justice system and returning power to the community in tackling anti-social behaviour.

Seanad Election 2025
Mary has been nominated to contest the Seanad election on the Industrial Commercial panel by RGDATA. RGDATA is Ireland’s longest established retail representative association. Its members are the owners of over 3,500 independent family-owned grocery shops, convenience stores, forecourt stores and supermarkets throughout Ireland. RGDATA nominated Mary because they believe