The long running saga of Moore Street continues. The Government has yet to bring forward any plans for preservation of the National Monument and creation of an appropriate celebration of the historic events that took place in 1916. There is growing concern that time will run-out for the creation of a meaningful commemoration in time for 2016. In an effort to move things on, the elected Members of Dublin City Council recently agreed to establish a Moore Street Advisory Committee comprised of eight Elected Members. I am delighted to have been appointed to the Committee and attended the first meeting last week in City Hall.
The terms of reference of the Committee are “to review, report on, and make recommendations to the City Council in respect of the overall Moore Street Area Development, with particular focus and emphasis on the preservation, use and development of the 1916 GPO Evacuation Route and the Moore Street buildings occupied by the rebels in the final days of the 1916 Easter Rising.” The focus of the committees work will be on identifying a solution in time for 2016.
We are inviting any members of the public, individuals and/or groups, to make submissions regarding this matter. If you or your group have a suggestion to make please send your submissions by e-mail to or by post to:The Chairman, Moore Street Advisory Committee, City Managers Department, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
The closing date for submissions is the 31st of January 2013. Mary