The Dublin City Manager, John Tierney, welcomed my idea to bring the issues raised relating to the concerts in the Phoenix Park to the JPC in September. In reponse to my request for all special event licences to be withheld until after the JPC he advised me that “Dublin City Council currently has a number of event licence applications including Bruce Springsteen Concerts in the RDS 17th and 18th July, The Street Performance World Championships on 19th to 22nd July Merrion Square, Tall Ships Docklands Event 23-26 August, and Leonard Cohen in Royal Hospital Kilmainham 8th, 9th and `11th September. The issuing of a Public Event Licence is a statutory process. A decision on applications for the upcoming events will be based on the information submitted and compliance with the Regulatory requirements. It would not therefore be possible to impose a ban on all upcoming public events requiring a licence.”” I have asked the City Manager to advise me of the security, public transport, cleansing, health and safety arrangements to be put in place for each of the proposed events.
The OPW, MCD and Dublin City Council Special Events Licence representatives have all been invited to attend the next meeting of the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committtee which will take place on September 6th in City Hall. Mary