State Funded Housing

Mary has called on her party colleagues to urge ministers in Government to double capital spending on housing as a matter of urgency. 

The motion is prompted by the imminent passing of the Affordable Housing and Land Development Agency Bills which will for the first time position the state to take the lead in the provision of Affordable homes to both purchase and rent.  These game-changing pieces of legislation have the potential to put the state on a long-term sustainable path to address the crisis of housing affordability but they need to be backed-up by significant state funding.

The recent ESRI report indicates that the state has an opportunity to sustainably borrow from €4 to €7billion a year to invest in affordable housing.   

Mary believes the states owes it to young people and future generations to take this sensible decision that will pay dividends both socially and economically for decades to come.


JUNE 16, 2021

The Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party notes the recent ESRI report examining the economic need and opportunity for the state to significantly increase borrowing for capital investment in housing. 

The Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party calls on the Fianna Fáil members in Government to secure agreement, with the other two parties in the coalition, to double the existing capital investment in State provided housing to a minimum of €4billion per annum. 


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