Mary drew the Seanad’s attention to the death of five homeless persons in one week.
Mary called for the Minister for Housing to examine the issue of homeless deaths, supports and provision of homeless services in Dublin City and to update the Seanad on Governments plan to provide permanent homes for all homeless persons.
Mary expressed her sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. The deaths of five people in one week, all aged under forty and mostly women are truly tragic.
This is a tragic loss of human life. These were somebody’s daughter, sister, mother or friend.
Mary asked the Seanad to express support to all those working in voluntary and professional capacity in Homeless Services.
Mary called for an examination of what happened in each of these cases and assurances that DRHE is adequately resourced to support vulnerable people.
As of May, ’20 there are 893 families in emergency accommodation, 413 in hotel accommodation, 77 families in self contained apartments. This represents 1,383 families with 2,065 children in some form of temporary emergency accommodation.
While these numbers represent a reduction in the number of families in homeless accommodation, these numbers are unacceptably high.
Mary is concerned that coming into the Autumn and Winter these numbers will increase again.
Mary also expressed concern for the situation with regards homeless single people. The DRHE has significant need for extra accommodation for single homeless people. During Covid 19 they had to close 500 beds and source alternative accommodation.
There are now almost 3,000 beds for single accommodation in Dublin, but this is unlikely to be enough come the winter.
Mary called for the Minister for Housing to examine the circumstances of these homeless deaths, the supports and provision of homeless services in Dublin and to update the Seanad on Governments plan to deliver “Housing First”.