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Referendum on Right to Housing

At the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government & Heritage Mary stated that once the COVID-19 pandemic is under control she will push for a date to be set for a referendum to be held on the right to housing.

As the Fianna Fáil Seanad Spokesperson for Housing, Local Government & Heritage says she welcomes the Home for Good campaign and has re-affirmed Fianna Fail’s commitment to hold a referendum on the right to housing.

“The right to housing is one of the most important issues that urgently needs to be addressed in Ireland and it is something that I and my party are committed to.

“Tackling the housing crisis is an economic, social and moral imperative. Establishing a credible, fully funded national housing roadmap is a core issue for Fianna Fáil. At the heart of our housing policy is a belief that supporting home ownership, and home security, is good for families, for communities, and for society. 

“The current COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need for a home more than ever and this is why once we have control COVID-19, I will be pressing the Taoiseach to provide a date for when a referendum can take place,” concluded the Mary. 


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