Mary has received an update on the proposed Critical Care Wing at the Rotunda Hospital.
A design Team has been appointed to progress the design of both the proposed Critical Care Wing on the Rotunda Hospital Campus and the fit-out of the Earl Building to accommodate outpatient and ambulatory services for the Rotunda Hospital.
The Critical Care Wing design is progressing through the initial design stages. The project is currently at Stage 1 Design with a draft report issued to Rotunda/HSE Project Team for consideration. If stage 1 report is recommended for approval to Project Board the design team will move to next stage of design-2a. In parallel an Outline Development Control Plan for the Rotunda campus is being progressed by the same design team.
The Fit-out works for the Earl Building are further advanced and are progressing toward Tender Stage. An application for Planning Permission for ‘change of use’ of the Earl Building is currently under consideration by Dublin City Council. A procurement strategy has been agreed for fit out of the Earl Building with the intention of having a contractor appointed by Q4 2023.