Green logo for Mary Fitzpatrick

Key Issues Mary Is Committed To Addressing,
For A Better Future

Housing For All

Access to affordable and good quality housing is a basic human right. As Fianna Fail’s housing spokesperson Mary is driving real change in the delivery of housing.

Housing for All, is the largest housing plan in the history of the state. Since 2020 more than 100,000 new homes have been built, 1,000s of vacant homes renovated and for the first time in a generation home ownership is once again within reach of first time buyers.

If you need help with a deposit you can get up to €30,000 tax refund using the HelptoBuy Scheme.

If you need help bridging the gap between your mortgage and the sale price the state will provide you with an up to 30% equity loan using the First Home Scheme.

If you have been refused a mortgage the Local Authority Home Loan provides up to 90% mortgage.

If you want to buy an affordable home the Affordable Purchase scheme sells homes below market prices.

If you want to renovate a vacant or derelict property the Croí Cionnaithe Grants and SEAI Home Energy Grants provide up to €100,000 to help turn a vacant property into your forever home.

If you are living in Dublin, in fulltime employment and earning less than €40,000 after tax per year you qualify for a Social Housing and Housing Assistance Payment.

If you earn above the social housing income limit and want to rent privately you are entitled to claim the €750 renters tax credit.

If you earn above the social housing income limit Affordable Cost Rental homes are available at a minimum of 25% below market rents.

If you are living in Dublin, in fulltime employment and earning less than €40,000 after tax per year you qualify for Social Housing and Housing Assistance Payment.

If you are on the social housing list, renting privately and your landlord is selling the Tenant in-situ scheme allows the local authority to buy the home and you can continue to rent it from the local authority instead.

If you are renting privately, earning above the social housing income limits, have received a notice to quit because your landlord is selling and you are at risk of homelessness the Housing Agency can buy your rented home and you will continue to live and rent your home as an Affordable Cost Rental Home.

If you are renting privately, earning above the social housing income limits, have received a notice to quit because your landlord is selling, are at risk of homelessness and need help to secure a sufficient mortgage to buy your home the First Home Scheme can provide up to 30% as an equity loan.

Safer Communities

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their community. Anti-social behaviour threatens and undermines the fabric of our communities. Mary is fighting for a Dublin Central where everyone can live and work free from the threat of violence, harassment, and intimidation.

To achieve a safer community for all in Dublin Central we need:

Increased Garda presence deters crime and enhances public safety, creating a more secure environment for all. It fosters stronger relationships between Gardai and the community and leads to more effective crime prevention. This approach also ensures that communities feel safer, encouraging activities and boosts pride in our area.

Small Area Community Policing creates partnerships with local groups and residents through an accessible and visible Garda presence. Effective engagement processes are established to understand and address local concerns, providing timely feedback to the community. Collaboration with residents and local groups will tackle crime and anti-social behaviour through targeted enforcement and crime prevention measures. A community-focused approach reduces the fear of crime and builds trust.

We all have a right to travel and work safely. A dedicated public transport policing unit within An Garda Siochana will the increase the safety and security of passengers and staff on buses, trains, and LUAS. By addressing safety concerns, it encourages greater use of public transport, reducing traffic congestion and negative environmental impacts.

Tánaiste Micheál Martin nominated Mary to the all-party Oireachtas Committee on Drugs. The committee is tasked with responding to the 36 recommendations from the Citizens Assembly on Drugs including ending the current system of prosecuting those caught with drugs for personal use and instead adopting a comprehensive health led approach to drugs use. Do you support a health led approach to drugs use, diversion from drugs, depenalisation of drugs, decriminalisation of drugs, legalisation of drugs? Let Mary know your thoughts by completing her survey on drugs.

Sustainable Future

Future generations are depending on us to provide a sustainable future. It is imperative we exploit every opportunity for Climate Action through renewal and regeneration.

Mary’s priorities for a sustainable future in Dublin Central are:

Sustainable materials and technologies must be utilised to minimise environmental impact and provide A energy rated homes. The most sustainable way to increase housing supply is by turning vacant properties into forever homes. Urban regeneration projects transform underutilised areas thriving and vibrant spaces. These efforts create resilient communities that can better withstand climate challenges, contributing to a healthier planet for future generation.

To encourage a shift from private vehicles to greener transportation options they must be reliable, affordable and efficient. Investment in modern infrastructure and technologies ensures smoother operations and better connectivity. This supports sustainable urban development and economic growth, fostering a cleaner and more inclusive transport system.

Biodiversity is essential to human well-being and survival.

Sustainable land management practices, such as organic farming and reforestation, promote biodiversity while mitigating environmental degradation. Public awareness campaigns and community engagement encourage communities to care for local ecosystems, ensuring long-term ecological balance and benefits for both wildlife and human populations.

Women's Health

Mary is working to improve the health services and supports available to women and girls in Dublin.

Women deserve access to high quality and affordable healthcare that address their unique needs at every stage of life.

Since entering government in 2020, Fianna Fáil has revolutionised women’s healthcare.

Free contraception is available to all women aged 17-35. This supports positive sexual health, choice in family planning and reduces costs for women, their partners and families.

The service covers the cost of consultations with GPs, family planning, student health and primary care centres, and prescriptions for the wide range of contraceptive options available on the HSE Re-Imbursement List.

The new Rotunda Oupatients building at Clery’s Quarter will provide a range of outpatient services for over 100,000 patients. 

The site will provide, maternity and outpatients services, colposcopy, perinatal and mental health services.

The new specialist menopause clinic at the Rtounda Rotunda is dedicated to supporting women experiencing complex symptoms of menopause. 

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is working on plans to extend Free HRT products to all women who need it.

Under these plans Government would fund the cost of HRT medication being available to those who need it. This is great news for hundreds of thousands of women across Ireland!

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