Amid all the negativity and bad press it is important that we also consider the positives about our country and economy. Following a week in which INTEL and GOOGLE committed substantial jobs to Ireland, there are further grounds for optimism with two great pieces of economic news.
First, Ireland has continued to buck the international trend, by attracting significant foreign direct investment in 2010. According to figures released by the IDA, the number of jobs created by FDI in Ireland has more than doubled since last year. This shows that Fianna Fail policies to stabilise the economy are working and is a very positive reflection of Ireland’s increased competitiveness. These figures also cement Ireland’s position as the number one destination in the world for jobs created by FDI.
Furthermore, Irish exports in 2010 reached the highest level ever at €161 billion. This is especially encouraging, coming as it does, in the wake of figures showing that Ireland continues to attract significant inward investment. These statistics, combined with other economic indicators such as car sales etc. provide hard proof that our policies are working and that the real economy –the economy based on the business environment – is forging ahead.
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