Beware Bogus callers to you door – and no, I am not referring to canvassers !
At recent meetings with the Gardai I have raised the issue of bogus callers and aggressive sales techniques from certain suppliers going to door to door in Cabra. There is an ongoing problem with strangers calling at local houses falsely claiming to represent well known utility providers. Sadly the purpose of these calls in some cases is to establish whether there is someone at home or in case of elderly residents to gain entry under false pretences and steal from the unsuspecting resident. At the last meeting of the Cabra Community Policing Forum a community representative raised concerns that Airtricity sales people were adopting an over enthusiastic approach when going door to door. Following a discussion we agreed that the Forum will write to the company and make them aware of the fact that there has been problems with bogus callers in the area and ask them to make their representaties aware of this and confine their calling times to during daylight hours. Please remember never let someone into your house unless you know them, always ask for identification from unknown callers.