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Bus Connects Update

Mary strongly supports the provision of more efficient, reliable and affordable public bus transport in Dublin City.

The National Transport Authority (NTA) have announced details of the third round of public consultation, of Preferred Route Options for the 16 Core Bus Corridors of BusConnects Dublin. The Core Bus Corridors aims to deliver 230km of bus priority and 200km of cycle lanes/tracks.

The consultation period will run from Wednesday 04th November until Wednesday 16th December 2020.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, this public consultation will take place using virtual and online facilities. However, potentially impacted property owners will be contacted directly by BusConnects and offered one to one calls with our design team members.

For the general public there will be a range of public consultation facilities:

  • Virtual Public Information Rooms – A virtual information room has been created for each of the 16 Core Bus Corridors. These can be accessed on our website and will remain open for a six week period. Each virtual room provides details of the Preferred Route Option for each of the corridors including maps and supporting documentation. There is also an Audio option available for the virtual information room.
  • Website – Updated versions of the 16 Core Bus Corridor Brochures as well as additional supporting documentation are available to view and download on our website . The brochures are also available in HTML, PDF and Audio versions on our website.
  • Community Forums – The NTA will carry out a series of Community Forums via online webinars. For a schedule of the Community Forum meetings which begin on Tuesday 10th November- click here. Community Forum members will receive an email a week in advance of their meeting with a link to register. After registering, they will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please note all Community Forum members must be registered before 2pm on the day of the forum.

General queries and Submissions – Submissions and general queries can be sent to or to NTA postal address. If there are queries that cannot be answered through the information on the website or at the Community Forums, there is a Freephone number 1800 303 653. 


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