The NTA have notified Mary that they will seek approval from An Bord Pleanala for construction of the Blanchardstown to City Centre Core Bus Corridor.
Some changes have been made to the route following submissions made during public consultation, as follows :
A small number of changes have been made to this scheme following consideration of the submissions received during the third round of public consultation, see some of them below:
• The N3 on-slip from Old Navan Road at Corduff modified to include a left turn filter lane;
• A Bus Driver Welfare Facility introduced along Blanchardstown Road South;
• Two bus stops and associated pedestrian ramps to the north of N3 Navan Road have been relocated to west of Mill Road;
• The Ashtown Road roundabout has been amended to a four arm signalised junction;
• A number of Junction, Crossing and Parking Modifications introduced;
• The previously proposed two-way cycle track on Brunswick Street North has been amended to two one-way cycle tracks;
• The previously proposed two-way cycle track relocated to east side of Queen Street, with a reduction to one traffic lane from Blackhall Street to the Quays;
- Offline traffic management strategy prepared to offset diversions due to online measures;
- Landscaping updated throughout; and
- Cycle facilities have been further optimised.
A copy of the application documentation may be viewed by clicking here.
Submissions/observations may be made in writing to the Board at An Bord Pleanála (Strategic Infrastructure Division), 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902 between Tuesday 5th July and Tuesday 30th August 2022.
The link to the Case Reference on the ABP website can be found here.
Submissions/observations can also be made on the An Bord Pleanála website by clicking here.
Any submissions/observations must be accompanied by a fee of €50 and must be received by the Board not later than 5.30 p.m. on the 30th August 2022.