The next meeting of the Cabra Community Policing Forum will take place on Tues 29th of January in Cabra Parkside Community and Sports Center in John Paul Park (the bogies) at 7.15pm. This is an opportunity for people living and working in Cabra to meet with the Gardai, Dublin City Council and elected representatives to discuss and address issues of concern. As Chair of the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committee I encourage people from Cabra to come along as these forum meetings feed into the priorities for the Dublin Central Joint Policing Committee. If you cannot attend the meeting you can contact the Forum Co-Ordinator Mr Niall Counihan at 0861743278. Mary
Neurological Conditions
Mary is proud to support the Neurological Alliance of Ireland and has pledged to make brain health a priority. Mary is the first general election candidate to NAI’s pledge of mplementing existing national strategies for neurological conditions, delivering on Ireland’s commitment under article 26 of the UNCRPD to provide comprehensive