Following Mary’s request to the NTA to provide details on why a DART stop for Cabra was not included in the project plans for DART+ South West, the NTA has informed Mary that they have provided funding to Iarnród Éireann this year to commence the preparation of designs and planning for the Kylemore Road and Cabra rail stations.
It is disappointing that a timeline for these proposed stations was not included but Mary has called upon the NTA to ensure that they are included as part of DART+ South West which will allow those looking to switch from private car travel to avail of more sustainable modes of transport like the DART.
As always, residents need to continue to engage with the planning process and provide their input to ensure that the new stations meet their needs and expectations. All observations for the DART+ South West project must be made to An Bord Pleanála by 5.30pm on 16th May 2023. You can make an observation to An Bord Pleanála on their website or by post.