Kempton Estate Traffic

14.10.2010: Mary has asked Dublin City Manager if he is aware of the regular blockage to traffic exiting Kempton Estate onto the Navan Road. Will the Manager

Blackhorse Avenue Roadworks

14.09.2010: Mary has asked Dublin City Manager to advise when road improvements will commence on Blackhorse Avenue and provide a description of the work to

Dunard Speeding

14.09.2010: Mary has asked Dublin City Council to address dangerous driving/speeding on Dunard Avenue? Response: The latest speed surveys conducted on Dunard Road indicated that

Iona Park Junction

14.09.2010: Mary has asked Dublin City Manager when the carriageway at Iona Park and Iona Road and the roundabout at this junction will be repaired?

Millmount to Drumcondra Road

14:09.2010: Mary asked Dublin City Manager if consideration has ever been given to the introduction of a Right turn filter on the Drumcondra Road, inbound