The Croí Cónaithe fund provides for Grants of up to €50,000 to bring vacant properties back into use in Dublin City. Since the initial launch of the fund Mary has been pushing to have the scheme extended to Dublin City. She is pleased to announce that on Tuesday alongside Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien the Croí Cónaithe fund was launched in Stoneybatter.
The fastest and most sustainable way to increase the housing supply is to bring our vacant homes back into use. The Croí Cónnaithe fund provides €30,000 for a vacant home and a further €20,000 for derelict homes. This is another Housing For All initiative that will have a big impact on our community. Our community is already seeing the positive impact Fianna Fáil are leading in Government. Mary is excited for the real and measurable change this scheme will bring to Dublin Central.
Mary filmed this explainer video with Minister O’Brien at the launch.