In my submission to Dublin City Councils proposed Development Contribution Scheme 2013-2015 I requested the Council consider and amend the 2013-2015 scheme to reflect the following points:
· The public consultation on the making of this scheme was poorly advertised. It did not appear on the home page of and was not easy to locate on the website. This needs to be improved to ensure wider public engagement.
· The scheme should exempt developments or parts of developments that are facilities in domestic properties specially adapted to allow sick and/or elderly to be cared for in a home environment thus avoiding institutional care and supporting independent living
· The scheme should exempt public hospitals and 3rd level educational institutions from the levy
· Masts and Antenna associated with the provision of broadband and/or mobile telecommunications services should not be exempt from the development contribution levy
· DCC should publish the associated review of development costs, including prevailing market indicators, used to determine the rates proposed.
The deadline for submissions is 5pm Weds October 24th 2012 for more information on how to make a submission please click here. Mary