Dr Kathleen Lynn

Mary supports the 1916 Relatives Association’s campaign to name the new National Children’s Hospital after Dr Kathleen Lynn. 

Dr Kathleen Lynn was a pioneer of children and women’s health, an advocate of public healthcare, a revolutionary and a champion of social justice.

During the 1913 lockout, she looked after the poor of Dublin by providing them with food and attending to their medical needs. As a member of the Irish Citizen Army, she served as Chief Medical Officer during the 1916 Rising. In 1919, she founded Ireland’s very first children’s hospital. 

Recognition of Dr Kathleen Lynn’s work is long overdue. As a founder of Saint Ultan’s Hospital, Dr Kathleen Lynn truly understood the importance of children’s healthcare. Naming the National Children’s Hospital after Dr Kathleen Lynn is a fitting tribute to her legacy. Mary will now secure the support of the Fianna Fáil Parliamentary Party to name the new National Children’s Hospital after her.