I met last week with Dublin Bus to get an update on the changes they are making to the bus service in our area and specifically the changes they are making from this week to the service for Cabra. They told me that the aim of the Network Direct Project is to deliver 1) A simpler network that is easier to understand, 2) More frequent services, 3) More direct services and 4) Improved punctuality and reliability. Click HERE to get the full list on the proposals for the Cabra Area, including indicative timetable frequencies.
The consultation period is ongoing and Dublin Bus will hold a public consultation Roadshows in the Dublin City Council Library, Cabra on 10th Februrary from 2pm-8pm where members of the public will be able to meet with members of Dublin Bus to discuss any concerns that they may have. If you can’t make it along to the public information session you can e-mail in comments tonetworkdirect@dublinbus.ie.
The deadline for submissions is February 20th 2011. Please feel free to cc me on any submission you make.
Click on http://www.maryfitzpatrick.ie/ for news in Dublin Central