I have long supported the campaign for Educate Together 2nd level schools in Dublin. There is strong demand for a 2nd level Educate Together School and a number of ideal sites in Dublin Central. There is a public meeting taking place this Wednesday 23rd January @ 7.30pm in Wynns Hotel on Abbey Street. The guest speaker is Ms Olivia O’Leary. Please come along and support this campaign. If you can’t come along to the meeting, but are interested in supporting the campaign, you can register your interest and support here. Mary
Seanad Election 2025
Mary has been nominated to contest the Seanad election on the Industrial Commercial panel by RGDATA. RGDATA is Ireland’s longest established retail representative association. Its members are the owners of over 3,500 independent family-owned grocery shops, convenience stores, forecourt stores and supermarkets throughout Ireland. RGDATA nominated Mary because they believe