The Derelict Sites Section at Dublin City Council have provided me with the latest update on the former Readymix site at 5-23 East Wall Road. This site is now owned by the Dublin Docklands Development Authority. Following the service in March 2011 of notice of intention to enter it on the Derelict Sites Register, all door and window opes were secured with steel. It is also monitored by a security service and pest control. The Derelict Sites Section will continue to inspect the site at intervals. Mary.

Seanad Election 2025
Mary has been nominated to contest the Seanad election on the Industrial Commercial panel by RGDATA. RGDATA is Ireland’s longest established retail representative association. Its members are the owners of over 3,500 independent family-owned grocery shops, convenience stores, forecourt stores and supermarkets throughout Ireland. RGDATA nominated Mary because they believe