An application was submitted to An Bord Pleanála on Friday, 16th July 2021 for 1614 “Build to Rent” apartments on the Holy Cross College site.
The development proposed will consist of 12 blocks, ranging in height from 2 to 18 storeys, with 1 retail unit, 1 café, and a crèche.
A total of 508 car parking spaces and 2,507 bicycle parking spaces are being proposed.
The 1,614 no. Build To Rent apartments will be broken down to 540 studios, 603 1 bed units, 418 2 bed units and 53 3 bed units.
Closing date for Observations/Submissions to An Bord Pleanála is August 19th. To make a submission click here.
For more information on the proposed development click here.