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Homeless in Dublin

Please Donate to the Simon Christmas Appeal - URGENT HELP NEEDEDOfficial figures released last week for the number of homeless in Dublin indicate an increase in the number of homeless from 60 to 87. Eighty Seven people homeless in Dublin is eighty seven too many. Dublin City Council as the Housing Authority has a responsibility to address this issue.

In 2011 Dublin City Council had allocated €49million to spend on addressing homelessness in the capital. Latest accounts indicate the spend will be lower but still significant at €43million.

The question that must be asked is where is all the money going, what is it being spent on? With 87 homeless people and a spend of €43million that works out at €500,000 per homeless person, per year! The average price of a one bedroom apartment in Dublin City is no more than €150,000.

The City Council is proposing to increase the spend next year to €46million. Before Dublin City Councillors vote to spend this money I have asked the City Manager to provide a breakdown of how the money is being spent. We have to ensure that the money is being used to properly address the issue, that value for money is being achieved and the money is actually getting to those who need it most.



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