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Keep Well Campaign

The Keep Well campaign was launched on October 29th by An Taoiseach at Government Buildings and is focussed on five main themes:

  • Keeping active – keeping active and being outdoors, even during the winter, is important to help physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Staying connected – staying connected with people, addressing isolation, supporting volunteerism and initiatives that support person-to-person connection is important to our wellbeing.
  • Switching off and being creative – switching off and being creative or learning something new, getting back to nature and finding ways to relax can help our general wellbeing.
  • Eating well – by nourishing your body and mind we can develop a better connection between the food we eat and how we feel and positively impact our physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Managing your mood – equipping people with information on where to go if they need support e.g. HSE’s Your Mental Health website. This will also be linked with the local community helpline to ensure that people can access the support they need.

For more information click here.


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