Latest News
Chillax Cabra
Chillax, Cabra’s Youth Café, ran by young people in Cabra for young people in Cabra, will be open on the following dates between now and Christmas 28th Oct, 4th Nov,
Severe Flooding
The East Coast of Ireland was hit with an unprecedented and intense level of rainfall yesterday, lasting from early in the afternoon to late in the night. Met Eireann confirmed
Aqua Aerobics
Aqua Aerobics classes are re-commencing in Sean McDermott Street Pool on Tuesday 8th November 2011 at 8pm, the cost will be €5 per person, per class. If you would like
East Wall Abduction
Gardaí in Store Street are investigating the report of an assault and kidnapping of a male on Russell Ave, East Wall, Dublin 1 on the 20th of October 2011 and
Pay & Display, Self-Employed
Dublin City Council are proposing to amend the Parking bye-laws to allow self employed people obtain 2nd parking permits in residential areas with Pay & Display. The Briefing Note on
Former Readymix Site
The Derelict Sites Section at Dublin City Council have provided me with the latest update on the former Readymix site at 5-23 East Wall Road. This site is now owned
Domestic Waste Collection
The Lord Mayor of Dublin has agreed to my request, on behalf of the Fianna Fail group, for a Special Meeting of Dublin City Council to discuss and agree actions
Domestic Waste Collection
As leader of the Fianna Fail group on Dublin City Council I have, on behalf of the Fianna Fail Group, called on the Lord Mayor of Dublin to urgently convene
Connaught Street Dereliction
I continue to raise the issue of derelict properties on Connaught street, e.g. house numbers 7, 19, 21 and 83, with Dublin City Council. As a result of my representations over