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Gaelscoil Bharra
Good news from Gaelscoil Bharra in Cabra. Last night St Finbarrs GAA club agreed to sign over the land necessary to build a proper school. I’ve been on to Dublin City
Dublin’s Historic Houses
If you want to get a better appreciation of Dublin’s historic homes, please read the following letter I received from the Irish Georgian Society today.The Irish Georgian Society and Dublin City
Blackhorse Avenue Roadworks
Further to my UPDATE yesterday, today I received the following response from Dublin City Council Road Maintenance Services: Dear Cllr Fitzpatrick, Further to your enquiries concerning Blackhorse Avenue, please be advised
Blackhorse Avenue Roadworks
For months I have been asking Dublin City Council to repair Blackhrose Avenue – the road surface has been in an appalling condition. Yesterday DCC finally advised me that this
Dart Underground
At the recent oral hearing by An Bord Pleanala I made a submission in support of residents of East Wall, North Wall and Docks area. I specifically called for a