Latest News
Dominick Street Regen
Work on the regeneration of Dominic Street and the provision of social housing must be a priority for whoever is next in government. The people in this area and the
Grangegorman Development
The Grangegorman Development Agency has awarded Hegarty Demolition Ltd. the contract for the Mental Health Replacement Facility Enabling Works. This work is due to begin on Monday 7th February and
O’Devaney Gardens Regen
Work on the regeneration of O’Devaney Gardens and the provision of social housing is progressing well. Dublin City Council has submitted its planning application to An Bord Pleanala and public
Trees in Smithfield
People have contacted me concerned at the removal of trees in and around Smithfield. The trees were removed as part of the Smithfield Quarter Enhancement Scheme that proposes to complete
Employment Opportunities
As part of my continuing drive for job creation in our area, I’m delighted to announce that the Tolka Area Partnership have been awarded 40 places under the TUS programme