Moore Street National Monument

I attended the second meeting of the Dublin City Council Committee established to review the plans and make recommendations for the National Monument site on Moore Street took place in City Hall this morning.

The national, historic, cultural, educational, commercial and tourist potential of the site cannot be overstated and must be developed and promoted by the state.

Houses 14-17 Moore Street were designated a National Monument in 2007. It is a matter of great shame that to date the site has not been properly restored and developed into an appropriate commemoration of the heroic acts of the men and women of 1916.

At today’s meeting Chartered Lands, owners of the site, made a presentation to the Committee on their proposals for the site. Their proposal is currently being considered by the Minister whose consent is required and is subject to the preparation and approval of an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Their proposal includes the creation of a museum incorporating 14-17 Moore Street that proposes to authentically recreate the interior lay-out of the buildings as they were in 1916 and requires funding of approximately €10m.

The neglect of this National Monument has gone on for far too long. The centenary of the rising is fast approaching and the Government must take action to ensure that the National Monument is preserved and restored; it should provide funding for the creation of an appropriate commemoration on the site and creation of a museum.

I welcome the offer from Chartered Land that they are willing to hand-over 14-17 Moore Street to the State. The Government should immediately act to ensure that the National Monument site is taken into State ownership. A dynamic public museum should be created in 14-17 Moore Street that will bring to life the historic events of 1916 for current and future generations. I believe Dublin City Council is well positioned to operate such a museum and I will be seeking a commitment that DCC takes on the role of Museum operator if and when a Museum is approved for the site.

The Committee has invited members of the public to express their views on how the National Monument should be developed. I encourage anyone with any interest in the site to please send their submissions by e-mail to or by post to: The Chairman, Moore Street Advisory Committee, City Managers Department, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

The closing date for submissions is the 31st of January 2013.  Mary


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