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Mother & Babies Home Report

Mary’s thoughts are with the survivors of Mother & Baby Homes, as the report into these homes is released today to the public.

They have had a very long and lonely wait. Hopefully the report from Commission of Investigation into Mother & Baby Homes meets their needs.

Some of the main actions from the report are:

  • An apology from the State, which will be made by An Taoiseach
  • Establish a national memorial and records centre managed by an archivist and plan to expand the database. Information should be available digitally for survivors not based in Ireland to access.
  • Counselling services, liaison supports, medical cards to all survivors. Ex gratia financial payments implemented as soon as possible in 2021 for unpaid work while in institutes, pregnant women pre 1974 who spent longer than six months in homes and under the age of 18 years and who did not qualify for redress under the Residential Institutions Redress Board Scheme.
  • Counselling is available for anyone who feels they need professional counselling on 1800 234 110 (Mon-Fri 09.30-17.00) or out of hours 1800 477 477 or on line HERE

Click here for full report & full list of actions proposed and accepted by the Government.


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