Irish Rail have awarded the construction of the new Pelletstown Station at Ashington Park to John Sisk & Sons. It is estimated that construction and commissioning of the station will take approx. 15 months.
The new train station will be located between Ashtown and Broombridge on the Maynooth commuter line and is expected to serve the community of Ashington as well as Royal Canal Park.
The journey time from the new Pelletstown station to the city centre is estimated at around 12 minutes.
A section of Ashington Park will be used as a temporary site compound to facilitate these necessary works.
Works commenced on Tuesday 11th of February and will be phased as follows:
Phase 1: To temporarily install a Heras fenced boundary along the tree line closest to the railway line and to remove the trees and vegetation to ground level in order to establish a site compound for the works over the next two weeks.
Phase 2: Will follow with the inclusion of the additional temporary footpaths, site haul road and secure site compound hoarding.