An application has been made to Dublin City Council for permission to build 19 homes and one retail/shop unit on the site of “Matts of Cabra”. The developer is looking for permission to: (1) Demolish the existing 1 and 2 storey public House building; (2) Construction of a 4 storey retail and residential block (Building A) consisting of 1 retail unit at ground floor level including ancillary delivery / storage area, staff areas and plant rooms; 8 apartments from first-third floor levels with balconies / terraces on the east, south and west elevations; (3) 11 3 storey 3 bedroom houses (4) 30 surface level car parking spaces and 12 covered bicycle parking spaces; (5) Public open space, communal and amenity open space: (6) Provision of a new vehicular entrance from Fassaugh Avenue; (7) 2 no. loading bays on Fassaugh Avenue; (8) Associated landscaping and boundary treatment (including new retaining walls); (9) Bin stores; and (10) All associated site development and engineering works necessary.
The deadline for making an objection or observation is August 30th 2016. Should you wish to make an observation you should do so in writing to the Planning Dept., Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 2 inclusive of the €20 fee before August 30th 2016. Please quote planning ref:3420/16 on all correspondence.