Counselling services will be provided to a variety of primary schools in Dublin 7. The scheme will see the introduction of wellbeing practitioners, who will work under the supervision of National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) psychologists. Covid-19 had a significant impact on primary school-aged children and this service is designed to help those young students who may be suffering from mental health challenges stemming from the pandemic. The supports will focus on strengthening whole-school preventative approaches and include the provision of psycho-education support for parents and teachers, as well as the provision of early intervention to groups of children or individual children with mild or emerging needs, using low-level therapeutically informed approaches.
Seanad Election 2025
Mary has been nominated to contest the Seanad election on the Industrial Commercial panel by RGDATA. RGDATA is Ireland’s longest established retail representative association. Its members are the owners of over 3,500 independent family-owned grocery shops, convenience stores, forecourt stores and supermarkets throughout Ireland. RGDATA nominated Mary because they believe