This week in the Seanad Mary put forward a commencement matter asking the Minister for Health to make a statement on the Department of Health’s support for capital investment in a new Critical Care Wing of the Rotunda Hospital. Specifically, to make a statement on the allocation of €2.5m in 2021 for the appointment of a design team to prepare a detailed design and final business case for approval by Government.
In 2018 the then Minister for Health Simon Harris TD commissioned an independent Strategic Assessment Report undertaken by KPMG.
The Strategic Assessment Report considered nine different and concluded the following:
- Critical Care Wing, Option 4 has the most positive cost benefit of 2:1
- Critical Care Wing, Option 4 provides the greatest range of benefits
- Critical Care Wing, Option 4 meets the key criteria set out in the options appraisal process
- Critical Care Wing, Option 4 requires a modest capital investment of €2.5m in 2021 to progress to detailed design and business case
Watch Mary speak here: