Dublin City Council is in the process of finalising tender documents for the Royal Canal Greenway Phase 3.
At a recent meeting in the Central Area Office, the proposed fence at the boundary of the Irish Rail embankment and the greenway, between Cross Guns Bridge (Phibsborough Road) and Binn’s Bridge (Dorset Street) was discussed.
From an early stage on this project, Irish Rail has expressed safety concerns regarding the height of the existing railway wall. Only recently, on the 6th of September last, a man fell over the wall sustaining fatal injuries.
Following discussions with Irish Rail it was agreed that the finished fence height could be reduced from the original 2.4m proposed to 1.8 m above ground level.
The attached photo gallery offers some indication of what is now proposed, indicating the visual impact of the fence on greenway users. Please note:
- The proposed fence will extend from the top of the existing masonry wall to a height of 1.8 m above the ground level. Almost the entire height of the existing masonry wall will be left exposed for aesthetic and maintenance reasons.
- A black mesh is proposed (not green mesh as in the photograph). The planners consider black more in keeping with the local environment.
- In many cases there will be trees between the greenway and the fence further minimising the visual impact of the fence.
Irish Rail urgently wish to reach agreement on this matter in light of the recent fatality. Please email me your feedback or comments on info@maryfitzpatrick.ie .