Scheme is due to commence on the Monday 24th January 2011.
- Phase 1 of the Smithfield Quarter Enhancement Works is now almost complete.
- Phase 2 work includes reconstruction of historic paving setts, provision of raised platform south of the Luas, provision of landscaped terraced area (south of the reconstructed car park), provision of canopy public lighting, removal of existing trees and provision of new semi mature trees, provision of play equipment and landscaped areas, extension to existing facilities building and associated site development works including repaving and provision of feature lighting, drainage and service utilities.
- During the work local traffic diversions will be in place.
- From the 24th January all parking will be removed north of the Luas from Haymarket on the west side of Smithfield to the Luas. Additionally there will be a significant reduction in the number of parking spaces available south of the Luas between the Luas and Arran Street.
- Local access will be maintained throughout the work.
- From the 7th February to the 1st April, Arran Street shall be closed. Parking shall be removed in this area as required.
- Access to Coke Lane shall be maintained.
- Following the completion of Arran Street there will be further temporary closures of Smithfield Terrace and Phoenix Street. Further details of these closures shall be provided closer to the relevant dates.
- During the Arran Street closure, northbound traffic shall be diverted via Lincoln Lane (except large vehicles) which shall be diverted via Church Street.
- Traffic may access Coke Lane via Stable Lane and Church Street New via Bow Street.
- Southbound Traffic from Smithfield Terrace and Coke Lane to be diverted via Phoenix Street North to Bow Street to North King Street to Queen Street to Arran Quay.
- Phase 2 of the Smithfield Quarter Enhancement Scheme is expected to be completed by late summer 2011.
If you have any queries regarding the arrangements in place for the phase 2 of the scheme, please contact Mr Liam O’Donnell, Wills Bros Ltd on 087 2671495 or Charles Downey, Dublin City Council on 01-2223066.
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