Leaving Cert Update

Leaving Certificate results for 2021 are expected to issue directly to candidates through the Candidate Self Service Portal on Friday 3 September. With the Leaving

Education Update

Mary has received the following update regarding the following areas in the education sector: Phased return to school Vaccination rollout for education sector Antigen Testing

Leaving Cert Update

Mary welcomes the update on Leaving Certificate exam papers recently published with details of changes to the papers.  These changes are intended to relieve the

Leaving Cert 2021

Mary welcomed the announcement earlier this week from Minister Foley that the class of 2021 would be given the choice of accredited grades or sitting

Leaving Cert 2021

On behalf of the Leaving Cert students of 2021 Mary demanded clarity, certaintity & choice. These students have lost 5 months of classroom learning and

Leaving Cert 2021

Mary spoke on behalf of the Leaving Cert students again this week in the Seanad. Mary urged all Education Partners in the Leaving Cert Advisory

Leaving Cert 2021

Mary has written to Minister Foley and the Taoiseach, on behalf of the Leaving Cert Class of 2021, asking that in the interest of fairness