As a voluntary community Director of a youth service, justice youth diversion programme, community policing forum, family resource centre and local development company Mary is acutely aware of the value, challenges and pressures on voluntary organisations.
Mary has signed The Wheels Community Matters Pledge because she believe Community does matter and wants to champion and protect our community.

“The Community Matters campaign is all about the value of the nonprofit sector and how much we contribute to communities all over Ireland. Our aim is to celebrate the real and valuable impact charity, community and voluntary organisations have on the day-to-day lives of people in every community. It highlights how those represented to local government and European Parliament can better support community work and elevate their voice.”
The Wheel
For more about the campaign click HERE.
If elected to represent Dublin Central in the next Dáil Mary will work to champion and support voluntary organisations.
If you want to more about Mary’s work and priorities click HERE.
On Feb 8th 2019 please vote Mary Fizpatrick No 1, or next highest vote, and ask your friends and family to do the same.