Violet Hill’s beautiful meadow style park and Griffith Park, both with the Tolka river running through, are lovely places to spend time and great amenities for our community. Unfortunately when the good weather started the parks were subject to anti-social behaviour and vandalism. Cllr Mary Fitzpatrick raised the issue with the Gardai and Dublin City Council’s parks department and arranged to have the fire debris in Violet Hill Park cleaned-up and the damage repaired. Following Cllr Fitzpatrick’s representations Garda foot and bike patrols were dedicated to the parks and signs erected by Dublin City Council asking people to respect the park and to report any anti-social behaviour in the park to the Gardai. Please report any anti-social behaviour in the parks to the Gardai on 999. Mary
Neurological Conditions
Mary is proud to support the Neurological Alliance of Ireland and has pledged to make brain health a priority. Mary is the first general election candidate to NAI’s pledge of mplementing existing national strategies for neurological conditions, delivering on Ireland’s commitment under article 26 of the UNCRPD to provide comprehensive