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Crime and Anti Social Behaviour

Mary has released the reuslts of her crime and anti social behaviour survey. Thank you to everyone who contributed. The results are alarming.

  • 80% witnessed drinking alcohol in public, 73% drug use and 70% drug dealing.
  • 65% witnessed this behaviour in the City Centre, 57% on public transport and 52% in a other public space.
  • 90% feel crime and anti-social behaviour increased in past 10 years.
  • 89% support stronger powers for Gardai and a 24/7 Criminal District Court.
  • 92% support  minimum sentence for attacks on Emergency Services.

In response to these figures and recent attacks in the city, Mary has called for:

  • Dedicated Community Gardaí deployed on a Small Area Policing basis.
  • Minimum 60 minutes foot or pedal bike patrols by Gardaí on every shift.
  • Gardaí deployed to undertake public transport patrols on DART, Bus and Luas.
  • Targeted approach from Gardaí, DCC Estate Management, Area Management, and Justice Diversion Programmes to achieve a zero tolerance of drug dealing, anti-social and criminal behaviour in public spaces and residential complexes.
  • 24/7 Criminal District Court.
  • Proactive monitoring of bail conditions for offenders awaiting trial.
  • Community service and restorative justice for those convicted.
  • Review of location of Garda stations in the Dublin area with a view to planning for additional Garda stations to serve growing areas of population.


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