Event organisers, Festival Republic, have confirmed the following arrangements for the concerts to be held in the Phoenix Park this summer:
Details of the Event
The events will take place on the Wednesday 10th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of July. The gate times for the events are as follows:
Entry into the event is by ticket only, and the event site will be securely fenced. We have been working closely with An Garda Síochána to develop a robust plan to ensure that the site and surrounding residential areas are kept safe and secure. There will be enhanced policing of areas within the Phoenix Park and surrounding residential areas, as well as comprehensive stewarding and signposting to direct attendees into the event.
- Spotters for antisocial behaviour feeding back to An Garda Síochána via Event Control
- Spotters for event attendees consuming alcohol in the park feeing back to An Garda Síochána via Event Control
- Directing and providing information to event attendees
- Directing concert goers away from residential areas, feeding back any residents’ concerns.
- Assisting with litter control in residential areas and around the park – spotters for waste contractor i.e. feeding back if any areas external to the event need attention via Event Control.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Festival Republic aims to reduce the impact our business and our festivals have on the environment. We will make every effort to ensure that litter picking will take place before, during and after the concert to ensure that bottles, cans and other litter is removed from window sills and wherever possible remove litter from outside premises, in the vicinity of the Phoenix Park.
Live Performance on the concert days will be as follows:-
July 8th
Sound checks between 18:00 – 20:00
July 9th
Sound checks between 12:00 – 14:00 and 17:00 – 20:00
July 10th
Sound checks between 10:00 – 12:00
July 12th
Sound checks between 18:00 – 20:00
July 13th
Sound checks between 09:00 – 12:00
July 14th
Sound checks from 13:00 – 15:00
- Name
- Address and postcode
- Complaint
- Action and Resolution
- Telephone number and whether the caller would like to be updated
Roads and Travel
Parking Restrictions will be in place along the following roads on event days:-
The Visitor Centre and Playground will remain operational throughout the set up and take down of the event site. On the event days the visitors centre and the playground will open until 3pm on the Wednesday, but will be closed all day Saturday & Sunday.
Please use the residents hotline 01 679 0021 available from 9am to 12 Midnight on the day of each event (10th, 13th 14th July 2013) to register any complaints. Thanks, Mary.