Despite the fact that there has been a horse fair in Smithfield since the 1700s in recent times Dublin City Council repeatedly stated that it had no role in the management of the Fair. This hands off approach by Dublin City Council contributed to problems with the Fair the most high profile being the outbreak of violence at the March 2011 Fair. A significant multi-agency response was adopted since the violence that occurred at the Smithfield Horse Fair in March 2011 and I have worked with the Gardai, DCC and locals to ensure a safer Fair.
The Attorney General advised Dublin City Council that the fair can be regulated under existing legislation and Dublin City Council has drafted new bye laws to govern the running of the Horse Fair.
At the September meeting of Dublin City Council it was agreed to put the bye-laws out to Public Consultation. Observations can be made in writing or by email to before 5.00pm on Thursday 29th November.
The main provisions include:
• Only 2 Horse Fairs per year will be permitted between the hours of 9.30am and 1.30pm.
• Only horses with the relevant documentation will be allowed to be sold.
• Strict entry & exit points will be enforced for those selling horses & attending.
• €1900 fines may be issued for those found in breach of the bye laws.
I support the continuation of a Horse Fair in Smithfield and will work to ensure that the Fair is safe for animals and humans and serves as a unique historical tradition and attraction in the heart of our city. Please feel free to email me any suggestions you might have on how the Horse Fair can be best operated in a sustainable and safer fashion. Thanks,