At the 2019 Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis Mary renewed her call for Fianna Fáil to champion the delivery of affordable homes for working people and to reject the failed housing policies of Fine Gael.
Mary urged Fianna Fáil to deliver affordable, social, co-operative and cost rental, energy efficient homes, in mixed income developments on state owned lands for working people in Dublin Central.
As General Election candidate for Dublin Central Mary drew the Ard Fheis’ attention to the Governments total failure to address homelessness and to build homes for working people in Dublin Central.
Since forming a Government in 2011 Fine Gael has built ZERO new homes in Dublin Central.
Fine Gael policies are denying working people the opportunity of a home in Dublin Central and costing tax payers billions of euros in private rental subsidies for temporary and emergency accommodation.
Instead of addressing and eliminating homelessness Fine Gael in Government has invested in homelessness and made it a multi-million-euro growth industry.
Mary called on Fianna Fáil to give working people of all ages an opportunity to afford to live and work in Dublin Central.
Mary told delegates that working people need Fianna Fáil, as the only party that can credibly lead an alternative government, to champion the provision of social, affordable, private, co-operative and cost rental homes in Dublin Central.
Mary called on Fianna Fáil to ensure that well designed, energy efficient affordable homes will be built in Dublin Central.
Mary called on Fianna Fáil to drive an accelerated plan for the refurbishment and re-development of all state-owned lands and properties in Dublin Central.
Mary reminded delegates of Fianna Fáil’s responsibility to the working people of Dublin Central to end this dangerous and expensive Fine Gael charade of a “housing action plan” and instead ensure affordable homes are built for working people.
You can read Mary’s full speech HERE.