Mary made a submission to the Broombridge Royal Canal Public Consulation supporting the proposal to improve road safety and access on Broombridge Road and asked DCC to address the following issues in the final design:
• Unrestricted commuter parking on Broombridge and Bannow Roads is a major safety hazard and inconvenience for residents on the road, DCC must be addressed this issue through the introduction of parking restrictions.
• Re-surface canal bank pathway beneath Broombridge; existing surface is damaged and dangerous to users
• Install railings on canal side of pathway beneath Broombridge; pathway is narrow and users risk falling into canal
• Install lane separators to protect cyclists traveling over the bridge from being squeezed out by vehicles
• Advanced stop box and advanced green light for cyclists travelling over the bridge would give people on bikes a head start from the vehicle traffic
• Widen the crossing at the Royal Canal Greenway to at least 5m. This will give more space to pedestrians and cyclists waiting to cross the road
• Standardise the lane widths to reduce motor traffic speeds
• Include a cycling link to the Tolka Valley Park and Greenway