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Connaught Street Dereliction

I continue to raise the issue of derelict properties on Connaught street, e.g. house numbers 7, 19, 21 and 83, with Dublin City Council. As a result of my representations over the past couple of years DCC Derelict Buildings, Dangerous Buildings, Legal department and the local area office are all engaged in trying to address the issue. A number of the properties have been entered onto the Derelict sites list and DCC is also pursuing negligent owners through the courts. The Dangerous Buildings section undertook some work to secure some properties and I have requested they undertake additional action to address the further dilapidation on some properties. Mary.


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Over 36,000 new homes have been built across Dublin since July 2020. This is up from 23,693 in the previous four years. The Help to Buy Scheme and First Home Scheme is helping first time buyers across Dublin get their first home. For renters, The Rent Tax Credit is helping

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Constitution Hill

It’s great that the Constitution Hill Flats regeneration is beginning to make some real progress. The Minister for Housing has approved funding for Dublin City Council to begin Phase 1 of the regeneration project. Dublin City Council are currently out to tender and hope to have a contractor appointed over

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Dominick Street West Flats

The regeneration of the Dominick Street West Flats has the potential to deliver 75 new homes. The project has recieved budget approval from the Minister for Housing. Mary is calling on Dublin City Council to accelerate the regeneration project at Dominick Street West and to provide much needed homes for

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Matt Talbot Court

Housing for All is delivering more social and affordable homes in Dublin Central than have been built in decades. Most recent, the Minister for Housing has approved funding for the redevelopment of Matt Talbot Court on Great Charles Street. Demolition and construction of the 92 new social homes is due

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