Call on Government to release funds
As reported in the Irish Times, at the January meeting of the Central Area Committee Mary’s motion calling on the Government to commence restoration of the National Monument on Moore Street was unanimously supported by City Councillors at the Central Area Committee.
Emergency Motion : Moore Street
The elected members of Dublin City Council are extremely concerned over the Governments complete failure to progress restoration and development of the National Monument on Moore Street, dereliction and deterioration of the street which directly negatively impacts on footfall and trading on the street.
Employers, traders and business owners on the street believe the prolonged failure to develop the National Monument and regenerate Moore Street is causing businesses to fail, undermining employment and more businesses will follow suit if urgent action is not taken.
We call on the Government to immediately release funds and commence work to restore and develop the National Monument so that the birthplace of our republic and Dublin city’s oldest market trading street is restored and re-established as one of Dublin’s primary attractions.