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East Wall Cycle Route

I gave a lot of time throughout 2010 to work with the local community and the city council officials on this project and it is disappointing that significant investment has been lost to Dublin Central. To try and salvage something from the project in December I called for Dublin City Council Roads and Traffic Department to provide an update on the proposed premium cycle route and to advise if the premium cycle route can be routed through the new linear park at the Dublin Convention Centre and along the Royal Canal to the North Strand and out to Fairview. Here’s the feedback I received:
“The Roads and Traffic Department will investigate the feasibility of the suggested route when resources become available. However it should be noted that we have been advised by the Department of Transport that funding for the Premium Cycle Route, and the link from the Premium Cycle Route to the S2S, north of the Liffey are no longer available. In addition it is considered that the suggested route can not be described as a Premium Cycle Route. The Roads and Traffic Department are proposing to apply to the National Transport Authority for funding for consultancy services to investigate options including those outlined above. Contact: Eoghan Madden, Road & Traffic Planning, Tel: 222 2046.”

More feedback as I receive it.

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