BusConnects, Ballymun

The National Transport Authority, NTA, is consulting the public on the redesign of Dublin’s Public Bus Network and proposing to create 16 core bus corridors. 


The National Transport Authority has released a revised proposal for a high capacity, high frequency, single bore 19km underground MetroLink rail tunnel from Swords to

Dublin Bus Corridors

Mary strongly supports any proposals which will make Dublin City’s bus service more efficient, reliable and affordable for residents and visitors alike.   Without good public

BusConnects, Blanchardstown

Mary supports improved provision of frequent, affordable and reliable public bus services. For the proposed high frequency bus corridors to benefit all the NTA must

Dublin Bus Connects

Last year the National Transport Authority, NTA, commenced public consultation on redesigning Dublin’s Public Bus Network.  Their stated objective is to reduce journey times and

Dublin Bus Connects

In December 2018 the NTA launched the public consultation phase of their core “Bus Corridor” project, which is part of their overall “Bus Connects” Dublin

Dublin Bus Redesign

A reliable, efficient and affordable public bus service is strategically important for Dublin City and it must be protected.  Mary thanks everyone who signed her

Dublin Bus Network Redesign

The National Transport Authority is proposing to re-design Dublin cities bus network.  Their stated objective of the re-design is to increase bus services and frequency

Metro Link Submission

Mary consulted widely with residents, community organizations, businesses and other stakeholders on the proposed Metro Link project.   Mary delivered 1,000s of information leaflets to peoples homes


TII, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, recently announced a route on which it intends to construct a 26km North – South urban railway to run between Swords