Following a recent meeting with representatives of the school community, public representatives and Minister Norma Foley, Mary has received the following positive update from the Department of Education:
The Department of Education is committed to the delivery of a new school building for Clonturk Community College. This project will provide accommodation for 1,000 pupils as well as provision of 4 classrooms for pupils with special education needs.
It is intended that the school building project for Clonturk Community College will be delivered as part of the Department’s ADAPT3 Programme. This is a delivery programme which uses an external Project Management team to expedite progression through the design and tender stages of major school building projects.
The procurement of a Project Manager to oversee this new programme is well advanced, with the appointment expected by the end of Quarter 1. The first task for this Project Manager will be the appointment of design teams for a number of school building projects, including that for Clonturk Community College.
The inclusion of the project for Clonturk Community College in this programme will facilitate the earliest possible delivery of the permanent accommodation for the school.