Fianna Fáil recognises the challenges facing households. That’s why we have introduced a number of cost of living supports. Below, you will find these measures, which are designed to help this burden, and when they come into effect.
€200 payment to people on the Working Family Payment, lone parents, low-income families, carers, those on disability payments, and pensioners among others.
Hospital inpatient charges abolished
€100 additional Child Benefit payment per child
State exam fees waived for Junior and Leaving Cert students
Back to School clothing and Footwear allowance increase of €100 for qualifying children bringing the total payment to €260 for children aged 4-11 and €385 for children 12-22
Free school books for primary school students
School Transport fees capped – €50 for primary student, €75 for post primary and €125 cap per family
Expansion of Hot School Meals to all 64,500 DEIS primary students
The income threshold for the 50% student contribution grant will increase from €55,240 to €62,000 per year
The student contribution will be reduced by €500 for families earning between €62,000 and €100,000
The Postgraduate SUSI fee grant will increase by €500
The Apprentices contribution fee reduced by 33%
If you have any questions about these supports, please get in touch with me at and I will be happy to help.